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IJA 2023 has been announced! Spread the word! 76th Annual IJA Festival will be @ South Bend, Indiana

Martin Kalwill

Promote the next IJA festival by Don Lewis

We are back into Fall in the norther hemisphere. School has started and people are moving indoors to juggle. The IJA celebrated its 75th festival in July with nearly 500 jugglers in a year when travel was still somewhat unpredictable. Whatever the new normal is going to be, juggling festivals are going to be a part of it.

There are, presumably, huge numbers of people out there who can juggle because they learned the basics in school or from a friend. Very few of them ever continue, probably because they don't have exposure to other people who enjoy juggling. Those are all people who need to know about local juggling groups, local festivals, and the IJA. The most frequent comment that I get from first time attendees at a festival is: "I had no idea it could be this much fun!".

The hardest part is getting people to show up the first time. So start working now on all the jugglers you know to convince them to give it a try. The IJA festival is a great value compared to most other activities. It works well for families and individuals.

The 76th Annual IJA Festival will be in South Bend, Indiana, July 17-23, 2023.

BTW, IJA now offers local and INTNL Grants. Spread the word, and Join IJA (international Jugglers Assoc.) if U can. Is worthy, and a great resource.




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