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Every Fire Spinner Should Know These 2 dozen Things About Safety

Fire spinning is a mesmerizing and captivating art form that combines skill, creativity, and a touch of danger. While it’s fun to watch and perform, it’s important to prioritize safety. Here are 24 tips every fire spinner should know about safety:

  1. Equipment Maintenance: Always check your equipment before use for any signs of wear or damage. Make sure all parts are in good condition and replace any that are worn or damaged. Only buy props from reliable sources and brands that you know and trust.

  2. Clothing: Wear tight-fitting natural fabrics and avoid synthetics that can easily catch fire. Leather pants work well and if you have long hair, make sure to wrap it up or wear a hat.

  3. Personal Safety: Never spin with fire alone. Have a friend or assistant nearby who is familiar with your routine and knows what to do in case of an accident. This person should also know first aid and always have a fire safety Blanket (Duvetyn) or damp towel ready.

  1. Safety of others: Be aware of the audience and make sure your performance area is large enough and free of obstacles. Your assistant should have crowd control skills and keep an eye on the audience.

  2. Fuel Station/Dipping Station: Keep your fueling station away from the audience and all fire performances. Your fuel should remain sealed when not in use and your dipping station should include a dipping bucket and a spin-off bucket.

6 Types of Fuels: Use the appropriate fuel for your props and be mindful of their properties.

importance of using the appropriate fuel for your props and being mindful of their properties. For example, different fuels such as kerosene or white gas have different ignition points, vapor containment, oiliness, or evaporation rates. Being familiar with one type of fuel doesn't mean you'll be able to handle other kinds easily. You need to be aware of how different elements can affect your performance and safety.

Experiment to find out what works best for your performance.

7 Lighting: Be careful when lighting your props and always light away from your face and fueling station. Always light from below the wick.

8 Extinguishing: Know how to properly extinguish your props to extend the life of your wick. You can blow out the flame from the base upwards or have your assistant put out the flame with a fire blanket or damp towel.

9 Fire Spinning Safety Checklist: Review a fire spinning safety checklist before performing to ensure you have taken all necessary precautions.

10 Respect the Fire: Remember to respect the fire and take it seriously. Fire spinning is fun but can also be dangerous.

11. Distance: Maintain a safe distance from the audience and other performers while spinning with fire. 12. Mindfulness: Be mindful of your surroundings and any potential hazards while performing.

13. Local Rules and Regulations: Be aware of any local rules and regulations regarding fire performances

14. Proper Training: Make sure you have received proper training before performing with fire. 15. Practice: Practice your routine without fire before lighting up for the first time. 16. First Aid: Have a first aid kit on hand in case of accidents. 17. Fire Extinguisher: Have a fire extinguisher on hand in case of emergencies. 18. Hair Considerations: If you have long hair, make sure it is tied back or covered to prevent it from catching on fire. Wetting your hair is also a good idea when it can be done. Avoid using hairsprays, dyes, gels or other flammable products on your hair before performing with fire. 19. Makeup Considerations: Avoid using makeup or skin products such as Vaseline that may be flammable before performing with fire. 20. Safety Blankets: Have safety blankets on hand to smother any accidental fires. 21. Ventilation: Make sure the performance area is well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of dangerous fumes.

22. Alarms: Make sure to consider ALL elements when dealing with alarms. Make sure all parties are properly notified before doing anything affecting alarms, and all safety protocols are followed strictly. If you need to temporarily turn off alarms during a performance, make sure to notify both the local fire department and alarm company beforehand.

23. Consulting with Local Fire Department: Consult with your local fire department to ensure you are following all safety guidelines and regulations.

It is strongly recommended that performers obtain health insurance as well as performer insurance to protect themselves in case of accidents.

Disclaimer: Make sure to consider ALL elements when dealing with alarms. If you need to temporarily turn off alarms during a performance, make sure to notify both the local fire department and alarm company beforehand.

24: Test your Fabrics, props, and Equipment. Choose your safety team wisely.

Please note that this is general information, but each prop and venue may require specific analysis and recommendations by a licensed fire producer.

Don’t forget to check our blog often at for updates on everything related to fire arts! You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel at for our Fire Arts playlist.

Stay safe while spinning fire!

These are just a few additional tips to help ensure safety while performing with fire. Remember to always prioritize safety and take all necessary precautions while spinning fire

These are just a few tips to help ensure safety while performing with fire.

Don’t forget to check our blog often at for the best fire props and updates on everything related to fire arts! You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel at for our Fire Arts playlist.

Fire spinning is a mesmerizing and exhilarating art form that combines skill, creativity, and a strong emphasis on safety. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned performer, there are some essential tips and guidelines that you should follow to ensure that your fire spinning experience is both safe and spectacular. Here are some of the most important aspects of fire spinning safety that you need to know:

- Equipment: Choose your fire spinning equipment carefully and make sure it is in good condition. Avoid using cheap or homemade tools that may break or malfunction during your performance. Use only high-quality wicks made of Kevlar or other fire-resistant materials that can withstand high temperatures and repeated use. Check your equipment regularly for any signs of wear and tear and replace it if necessary.

- Fuel: Use only approved fuels for fire spinning, such as white gas, kerosene, or lamp oil. Avoid using gasoline, alcohol, or other flammable liquids that may explode or produce toxic fumes. Store your fuel in a safe container with a tight lid and keep it away from any sources of heat or ignition. Use a metal bucket or can to dip your wicks in fuel and make sure to shake off any excess fuel before lighting them. Never dip your wicks while they are lit or re-dip them during your performance.

- Clothing: Wear clothing that is fire-safe and comfortable for fire spinning. Prefer natural fabrics that are fire-safe, such as cotton and wool. While these fabrics too are flammable, they do not melt, and this makes handling an accident easier and less risky. Avoid wearing synthetic or plastic materials that may melt or stick to your skin if they catch fire. Wear tight-fitting clothing that does not have any loose or dangling parts that may get caught in your equipment or catch fire. Kevlar sleeves are also a great item to have to protect your arms. Your arms are most likely to be hit with your wicks, so Kevlar sleeves are a must.

- Spinning: Before you start spinning, make sure you have a clear and spacious area to perform. Avoid spinning in a grassy/woody area that is flammable or near any objects that may catch fire. Spin over pavement or gravel if possible. Have a safety spotter with you who can watch out for any hazards and assist you in case of an emergency. Your safety spotter should have a wet towel or a fire extinguisher ready to put out any flames if needed. Do not spin alone or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

- Fire: Fire can be disorienting, hot, and loud. Do not stare directly at the flame but fix your gaze on an object outside the fire. Do not be intimidated by the train-like sound of the fire but use it as a cue to know where your wicks are. Remember fire burns from the bottom up so do not burn yourself or your tool by holding it over the flame. If you feel any pain or discomfort while spinning, stop immediately and check yourself for any injuries. If you catch fire, do not panic but stop, drop, and roll until the flames are out.

In conclusion, fire spinning is a thrilling and captivating art form that requires skill, creativity, and a strong emphasis on safety. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure that your performances are both safe and spectacular. Remember to always prioritize safety and take all necessary precautions while performing with fire.

For more information on fire safety training for jugglers and flow artists globally, check out these resources:

- Flow Arts Institute:

- UK:

- Combustion in NY at Liminal Space:

- Australia:

- Canada:

Don't forget to check our blog often at for updates on everything related to fire arts! You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel at for our Fire Arts playlist. Stay safe while spinning with fire!

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